Tillid er vigtig for at opnå succes i projekter
Som medlem af den internationale association IPMA (International Project Management Association) har Dansk Projektledelse i perioden 25.-31. marts haft æren af værtsrollen for IPMA’s Council-of-Delegates møde (generalforsamling) i København.
Som afslutning på CoD udarabejdes altid et communique, der opsummerer de vigtigste resultater fra mødet. Communique’et udsendes globalt af de 72 nationale foreninger, der alle er medlemmer af IPMA.
Jesper Schreiner, direktør i Dansk Projektledelse siger: “I det fælles communique sender vi et stærkt signal til det internationale projektsamfund om betydningen af tillid (trust) for opnåelse af succes med samarbejde og partnerskaber som vigtige elementer for succesfuld gennemførelse af projekter”.
Council of Delegates
Communique Copenhagen, Denmark
The International Project Management Association (IPMA) is a federation of presently 72 member associations, that promotes competence in project, programme and portfolio management across all sectors and engage stakeholders around the world in advancing the discipline.
During its spring Council meeting on 31 March 2019 at Copenhagen, IPMA discussed the strategic importance of trust for successful project implementation and sustainable results. In an increasingly projectified world, relationship-building and collaboration depends on trust between all relevant parties. For example, through Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) in construction projects partners strive to achieve a collaborative alliance of people, systems, business structures and practices in order to optimize project results, increase value, reduce waste, and achieve sustainable solutions through all phases of a project. Rather than each participant focusing exclusively on their part without considering implications on the whole project, IPD brings all participants together early with collaborative incentives to maximize value (see also IPMA´s Research Conference 2019 in Zagreb).
The Council of Delegates concludes that:
- Individuals engaged in projects shall strengthen their competence regarding “Relationships and engagement” building on trust (see IPMA ICB Version 4.0)
- Leaders shall foster a culture of trust within the own organisation as well as towards all partners involved in projects, programmes and project networks;
- Organisations shall establish mutually beneficial relationships with all stakeholders involved in projects for achieving sustainable results (see IPMA OCB Version 1.1).
IPMA President Dr. Jesus Martinez-Almela confirmed that “in a world that threatens to drift ever further apart, mutual trust in projects becomes even more important for achieving sustainability. All leaders are called to action, fostering trust and building collaborative relationships. IPMA supports society through its Global Standards and shares knowledge and experience across countries, continents and cultures to enable a world in which all projects succeed.”
This has been released concurrently by all 72 member associations of IPMA.
The President of IPMA, Dr. Jesus Martinez-Almela is available for comment.
Please contact via info@ipma.world.